The difference between the V and the X shaped single crochet (yarn over and yarn under)

Looking at other crocheter’s amigurumis, you may have noticed that our stitches are not always looking the same. When I started crocheting 7 years ago, this drove me crazy ! Most of the time, single crochets were looking like little “v”s slotting one on top of the other just like mines did, but sometimes, I ran into amigurumis pictures where the single crochets were looking a lot more like littles “x”s perfectly stacked one onto the other which looked super neat. I couldn’t figure out where that difference came from, yet using the same stitch. Maybe are you in the same position right now? Well if you are, you’re in the right spot as I’m about to tell you everything you need to know about those 2 variations of the same stitch, and it isn’t all just about aesthetic !

1. Esthetic difference

difference between v and x single crochet stitch

One picture is worth a thousand words ! And, if you want to see an example on amigurumis, go and take a look at Pica Pau’s work. I think she is the best known designer who uses that stitch since forever and she was the one who first mentionned that difference in her first book “the world of Pica Pau”.

2. The practical difference

Aesthetic is one thing, but it’s very subjective and I quickly realized that it wasn’t the only benefit from the X shaped single crochet stitch. If you try it, you’ll quicly notice that, with the same hook and yarn, your work will be much tighter (without being harder to work with when you get used to it !). The stitches are better tied one to another wich leads to a more rigid work. That means that when you’ll have to stuff a piece firmly, your stuffing won’t show through anymore, and you want take the risk of warping it.

3. How to

Here is another good news, it’s quite simple to do ! Just a tiny change !

When you start making your single crochet, instead of yarning OVER, yarn UNDER your hook !

yarn under

And continue as you normally would ! Of course, it requires a bit of practice at first but I recommend starting very slow, to build your muscle memory and it will quickly become natural.

I also made a quick little video on Youtube that will allow you to see the movement better :


4. What about the V stitch? Do we abandon it forever? 

Personnaly I keep using it in some projects because it still has some advantages, like its flexibility ! So, I still use it when I work in rows, making tiny clothes for example, which don’t require any stuffing. And of course, everyone is different and you’ll need to experience it to see if it fits your needs ! I’ve heard that the X stitch may cause more tendonitis than the V stitch too, so it might be something to consider before changing completely your habit !

And that’s it ! I hope this little tutorial on the difference between the V and the X stitch will be useful to you ! Feel free to ask in the comments if you have any questions or simply talk about your experience on that matter ! I always enjoy reading you ! :)

24 Responses to The difference between the V and the X shaped single crochet (yarn over and yarn under)

  1. I like it. I’ve been randomly doing the x stitch in tight places as I find it easier. I knew something looked different but could not work it out 🤣
    I do think I prefer the x

    Thanks so much for highlighting. Now my work will be more consistent 👍

  2. Thank You so much for the tutorial,really appreciate it 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿💐💐

  3. I’ve been doing a lot of amigurumi lately, and am now excited to try this! As you mentioned, same stitch, but it looks so different!

  4. I’ve been using the yarn under method for almost a year now and it’s truly a game changer for amigurumi! I now prefer it with other project too now.

  5. Thank you for sharing . I will pass this on to my daughter too as she also makes lots of toys

  6. Great description! Understood well . Thanks for the info. Am njoying crochet work in this lockdown. It’s a great art.

  7. Hey,after 12 years of amigurumi making I finally gave the X stitch a shot and Im loving it however, I only used it for sc, what do I do with hdc or dc etc thx!

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